A number of medical complaints, such as the common cold, are healed automatically by our body. No medication is required to treat these. However, for other complaints, medication is sometimes required.
Self-care medication
Whenever you have a fever or are in pain, we often advise you to take painkillers, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. These are self-care drugs, which you can buy yourself at the local supermarket, drug store, or pharmacist. You don’t need a prescription for these drugs.
Are you staying at a location where you don’t receive financial support? And are you in need of self-care drugs? Security staff or a COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) employee can tell you where you can get these drugs.
Prescribed medication
Whenever you need other medication than self-care drugs, this is prescribed by a doctor. With this prescription, you can get the drugs from the pharmacist. The pharmacy sometimes shares a building with the hospital or the practitioner’s office, but is often located elsewhere nearby.
Antibiotics can sometimes have unintended side-effects. Another danger is antibiotic resistance, which occurs when you use antibiotics too often. This is why doctors often show restraint in prescribing antibiotics. They only do so when it is strictly necessary.
Oftentimes, the body can recover from a bacterial infection on its own. In such cases, it’s not necessary to use antibiotics.
Cost of medication
Most drugs are paid for by your insurance. If you do have to pay for your medication, then the general practitioner or the practice nurse will inform you beforehand.